The 30 photography theme challenge

This challenge is only intended between me and June. If you wish to participate, you may do so. Just credit me. Also, if you like to base this challenges along with your friends, you may do so. Please do give credit.


1. Morning
2. Toy
3. Street
4. Light
5. Neon
6. Sun-kissed
7. Animal
8. Courage
9. Cosplay
10. Gadget
11. Dance
12. Night
13. Comedy
14. Motion
15. Party
16. School
17. Freedom
18. Gravity
19. People
20. Pattern
21. Park
22. Monotone/Grayscale
23. Abstract
24. Garden
25. Beauty
26. Sunset
27. Corner
28. Food
29. Water
30. Self

rain, rain, go away


From now on, this blog will serve as my photo blog. Since I rarely update this and I'm too obsessed with Tumblr.

Don't worry, I'll try to keep this alive.