
Nineteen. It is a natural number after number 18 and preceding number 20. It is also a prime number. Tell me, what's so important with it? Does it relate with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows epilogue, where it starts after 19 years after the end of the actual story? It isn't. This is a very personal matter and I wish to share my thoughts I've kept for 2 years.

Trivia: 19 is the command in Age of Empires for the laughing emote. This was the easier way to laugh before lol existed. (Source: Wikipedia)

February 19. Aside from having the birthday celebration of Jerice and Dianne, it remained a very significant date to me and to a special friend of mine.

Maybe I was stupid For telling you goodbye. Maybe I was wrong For tryin' to pick a fight. I know that I've got issues. But you're pretty messed up, too. Either way I found out I'm nothing without you.

I think many people already about our relationship before and how it is going at the present time. To be honest with you, I am not used in sharing very personal matters regarding this one but this time, I would like to make a change. Well, a change of views would be nice, I guess?

Talking about my special friend, I will hide his name for anti-scam purposes. Internet is a huge world in cyberspace. I've met him when I was on my sophomore year in high school, and we've started off as strangers. As few days passed, we kinda knew each other already and I think we've declared ourselves as "friends". It was great to have always at my side. He was there to accompany my joyous moments, in my solitude, helping me in Math and History lessons while I help him in Biology lessons, and also ranting and bickering with my other classmates that irritates me down to the core before.

I thought it was going all too well. Until then, he decided to break our bond. He started to ask me so many questions about guys, love and other gushy stuffs. Being dense, I've answered those whole heartedly. After some days, I've noticed that a friend of mine, no, my barkada are always hiding mischievous smiles whenever I'm having "private lessons" with him. I started asking them why they act like that and got surprised of the thing they told me.

"He likes you," a friend of mine said. Those three words were untruly dignified. But, being an idiot when it comes to my own love, I decided to throw up the conversation and treat it as a trash.

Few days have passed and I started noticing that he was acting so weird whenever he's around with me. Usually, we're both comfortable with every silly jokes and stupid coversations we had, but he was very tense and nervous whenever I chat with him. I started to wonder why and thought of what my friends told me. I remembered that he was asking all about the gushy stuffs and had the idea that he is trying to court me. Well, I didn't mind at first. But, having all those stares and glints from all of my classmates is very disturbing. But still, I tried my best to ignore them all.

After this episode, he started texting and calling me every damn night. He helped me carry all those heavy loads before. What I find the most irritating of all, he doesn't initiate a stupid conversation like before. Until then, he confessed. Yeah, it was cheesy. At the night of Jerice and Dianne's birthday, he asked me via text message. Actually, he asked me two months ago and I gave myself two fuckin' months of thinking. I really wanted to know about him more than I ever do, and it gave me a slight indication that I also have feelings for him, so I answered yes.

Remember my blog posts back then: [link]

The next day, he asked again, this time it's personally, and I thanked the heavens for that. At least, he summoned all of his guts to ask that damn cheesy question. Still, he got the same sweet response. I fell over his charms. Maybe he used some dirty tricks upon me! :) But, I liked it.

Few months had passed and we're both going in our steady romantic relationship. Of course, in every fairytale, there's always a villain. This time, it was my parents who didn't approved of our relationship. They said that if I didn't break our bond, I have to transfer in high school in Manila. I don't want that. As much as possible, I wanted to see his face everyday. I want to see him smiling and laughing everyday. Greeting each other everyday. Being an idiot, I had to fulfill their wishes, I broke that bond which lead us into a terrible despair.

This blog post is a fraud. I only thought of things to make you hate me. [link]

May 1st was the most depressing day of my life ever since. I didn't know what to do from then. I only realized when schooling started, I had made the most terrible mistake of my life. I was already bitten by the love bug. I fell madly in-love when it's all fucking over.

I'm an idiot, right?
It's all over, I guess. He doesn't even fucking talk to me anymore. It only means that he doesn't care for me anymore.

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